Dynata expanded its partnership with Google as a third-party brand-lift measurement provider approved to include YouTube as part of a cross-media study. Brands and agencies now can leverage Dynata’s advertising solutions to measure advertising effectiveness, optimize media spend and improve marketing ROI on YouTube by analyzing the performance of their YouTube ads compared to TV, print or any other digital, social or offline media channels under measurement.
Media fragmentation has made it more challenging than ever to accurately measure advertising impact across all publishers and channels. Dynata now enables any company to better understand how a campaign is influencing consumers at all levels of the purchase funnel, holistically, across all channels.
In 2020, Dynata was approved to measure YouTube lift as part of a digital ad campaign using Google’s Ads Data Hub. Dynata’s cross-media studies — which include non-digital media channels, such as TV, radio, print and out-of-home — measure the media performance of panelists’ exposure to digital ads alongside other ad types across multiple channels. For the first time, YouTube now can be included as a media channel in such studies.
“Adding a premier channel, such as YouTube, into our cross-media advertising lift offerings further enhances our ability to help clients accurately and comprehensively measure advertising performance,” said Dynata CEO Gary S. Laben. “This capability reinforces our commitment to helping our clients not only to uncover insights, but also to activate these insights, measure overall marketing ROI and ultimately drive growth.”
Learn more about the world’s largest first-party data platform for insights, activation and measurement, at www.dynata.com.
Image licensed by unsplash.com
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