Three Starting Points for a Zero Trust Journey

Organizations are finding themselves in a constant battle against an ever-expanding array of sophisticated cybersecurity threats. The relentless pace at which these threats mutate and adapt necessitates a fundamental shift in how we approach security.

I believe that this shift has meant that traditional perimeter-based security measures, once considered the bedrock of digital defense, now often prove inadequate in the face of sophisticated attacks that can breach even the most fortified walls. This is where Zero Trust comes into play, emerging as a compelling and forward-thinking security framework to counteract these ever-evolving threats. Zero Trust (ZT) operates on the premise that no entity, whether it be a user, device, or application, should be automatically trusted within a network.

Instead, it advocates verifying and validating the trustworthiness of any entity seeking access to sensitive data or critical systems, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the organization’s traditional network boundaries.

In this article, I will delve deeper into the realm of Zero Trust and explore three pivotal starting points for embarking on a ZT journey. Each of these entry points, based on my experience, offers unique benefits and is driven by compelling reasons for their implementation.

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Starting your Zero Trust journey with Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a logical and highly effective first step along the path. IAM focuses on controlling and managing user identities, their permissions, and access to resources within an organization. Here are some of the benefits and reasons for prioritizing IAM in your ZT strategy:


  • Enhanced Security: Implementing strong authentication methods, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), helps ensure that only authorized users gain access to systems and data.
  • Least Privilege Access: Implementing the principle of least privilege restricts users from accessing only the resources necessary for their job, reducing the attack surface.
  • Improved Visibility: IAM solutions provide comprehensive logs and reports, allowing CISOs to monitor user activities and detect anomalies more effectively.


  • Zero Trust’s core tenet is to never trust, and always verify. IAM enables continuous verification of users and their devices.
  • IAM aligns with the principle of “Never trust, always verify” by requiring users to prove their identity and permissions every time they request access.
  • Starting with IAM is manageable and does not require a complete overhaul of existing security measures, making it a practical and cost-effective first step.


Micro-segmentation involves dividing an organization’s network into smaller, isolated segments, allowing for granular control over network traffic. By implementing micro-segmentation, CISOs can establish perimeters around sensitive data and assets, providing strong security in the following ways:


  • Reduced Lateral Movement: Attackers who breach one segment cannot easily move laterally to access other parts of the network, limiting the potential damage.
  • Improved Compliance: Micro-segmentation helps organizations maintain compliance with regulations like GDPR and HIPAA by ensuring data protection.
  • Zero Trust Implementation: It aligns seamlessly with ZT principles by creating isolated segments where traffic must be explicitly authorized, and the identity of users and devices are continuously verified.


  • Micro-segmentation ensures that network traffic is scrutinized at a granular level, aligning with the Zero Trust principle of “Inspect and log all traffic.”
  • It mitigates the risk of lateral movement by compartmentalizing the network, thus adhering to the principle of “Segment your network.”
  • CISOs can start with smaller-scale micro-segmentation projects and expand gradually, allowing for a phased approach to implementation.

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA)

Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) replaces the traditional VPN model by focusing on user and device verification before granting access to applications and resources. Prioritizing ZTNA in your ZT journey offers several benefits and reasons for its inclusion:


  • Improved Remote Access Security: ZTNA ensures that remote users and devices are thoroughly authenticated before accessing critical resources, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Enhanced User Experience: ZTNA provides a seamless and user-friendly access experience, promoting productivity while maintaining security.
  • Zero Trust Alignment: ZTNA aligns perfectly with the ZT principle of “Verify users and devices” by ensuring that access is never granted without proper verification.


  • ZTNA enforces strict user and device verification, adhering to the fundamental Zero Trust principle of “Verify and authenticate every user and device.”
  • It addresses the modern workforce’s need for secure remote access, supporting the Zero Trust principle of “Enable secure remote access.”
  • ZTNA can be implemented incrementally, allowing organizations to gradually transition from traditional VPN solutions to a more secure access model.

A Zero Trust journey is a powerful approach to enhancing an organization’s cybersecurity posture in today’s dynamic threat landscape. Starting with Identity and Access Management (IAM), Micro-Segmentation, and ZTNA as initial steps can provide immediate benefits while setting the foundation for broader Zero Trust implementation.

By verifying and securing user identities, segmenting the network, and ensuring secure access, CISOs can harness the power of Zero Trust to safeguard their organization’s digital assets effectively.

In an era where cybersecurity threats continue to evolve, Zero Trust is the proactive strategy needed to stay one step ahead of malicious actors and protect critical digital resources.

To learn more about Axis Security, visit the website HERE.

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About Author

Jaye Tillson is a Field CTO at Axis Security, boasting over 25 years of invaluable expertise in successfully implementing strategic global technology programs. With a strong focus on digital transformation, Jaye has been instrumental in guiding numerous organizations through their zero-trust journey, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Jaye's passion lies in collaborating with enterprises, assisting them in their strategic pursuit of zero trust. He takes pride in leveraging his real-world experience to address critical issues and challenges faced by these businesses. Beyond his professional pursuits, Jaye co-founded the SSE Forum and co-hosts its popular podcast called 'The Edge.' This platform allows him to engage with a broader audience, fostering meaningful discussions on industry trends and innovations. In his leisure time, Jaye indulges in his passions for motor racing, savoring delectable cuisine, and exploring the wonders of the world through his travels.