The Cisco Broadband Survey Releases Evolving Consumer Expectations

The Cisco Broadband Survey, released, finds that evolving consumers expectations will reshape the needs and economics of the internet. People in EMEA (EuropeMiddle East and South Africa) are rethinking what they rely on the internet for, balancing classic demands for speed and reliability, with the intensifying needs of rising eco-consciousness, secure cloud infrastructure, and the consumerisation of technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) connecting our devices, from smart cars to home appliances. This has led to 79% of survey participants ranking broadband as critical national infrastructure, escalating the need for the technology industry to respond to these asks and accelerate the journey towards a more sustainable, secure internet for the future.

About Author

Taylor Graham, marketing grad with an inner nature to be a perpetual researchist, currently all things IT. Personally and professionally, Taylor is one to know with her tenacity and encouraging spirit. When not working you can find her spending time with friends and family.